Selected Projects

  • 2018 WebGL, Three.js Dash Self-Driving Car Simulator

    A real-time, on-road, lattice-based autonomous vehicle motion planner in the browser. Modern parallel motion planning algorithms originally designed for CUDA were overhauled to make implementation within the constraints of WebGL fragment shaders possible. Three.js is used to visualize 3D on-road scenarios in a real-time simulation.

  • 2017 Ruby Mattlang

    A statically-typed, functional toy language inspired by Elixir and Swift, featuring parametric polymorphism, union and intersection types, type inference, complex pattern matching, and an interactive REPL.

  • 2015 Rails, React CARRY.GG (inactive)

    A solo-developed League of Legends game history and player statistics site. Built with Rails, Redis, and React and hosted on Heroku, fetched and aggregated raw game data from the Riot Games API into an easily digestible user experience that allowed players to assess the strengths and weaknesses of themselves and their opponents. At its peak, served 1 million hits per month to 60,000 monthly unique visitors.

  • 2012 C# Path Planning and Path Following for an Autonomous Car (Master's Thesis)

    A project that describes, implements, and tests modern path finding and path following algorithms for an autonomous vehicle. The simulator plans a safe route for a virtual car through an obstacle-rich environment. The path tracker then accurately executes this path with real-time error correction.


Work Experience

  • 2014 present 2014 – present TrueCar, Inc.
    Senior Software Engineer
    Rails, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, AWS

    Worked on cross-functional teams building a backend for iOS and Android apps, service APIs for searching and aggregating vehicle and pricing data, and an internal vehicle data management tool. Later, participated in the hiring process, technology decisions, and technical leadership for TrueCar's shift from legacy Java systems to Rails APIs.

  • 2013 2013 2013 CarWoo, Inc.
    Software Developer
    Rails, RSpec, MySQL, Sass, JavaScript

    Worked on backend and frontend components of the main product, as well as on partner APIs, embeddable widgets, and in-house goals and analytics tracking.

  • 2011 2013 2011 – 2013 Bondware Web Solutions
    Software Developer
    PHP, MySQL, JavaScript

    Worked with a small team of developers on a newspaper content management system, a drag-and-drop website builder, and an email marketing service.